Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Zzackback 170827

Zzackback 170827

For this cartoon, I actually drew teen Zack! I thought it fitting...he is doubly down. Not only is it "back to school", but he's getting there by taking the bus, often viewed by teens as one of the "great humiliations" of a teenager.

Monday, September 11, 2017

Practice Sketch 170911

Practice Sketch 170911

Toy Robot World Domination!

(Just remembering the days when G1 Transformers first came out)

Saturday, September 9, 2017

Practice Sketch 170909

Practice Sketch 170909

I decided to draw Zack performing one of view dance moves I ever attempted, the "Cabbage Patch"! Just because I attempted it, doesn't mean I was any good at it!