Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Sunday, April 28, 2019

Practice Sketch 190428 2

In honor of Monday and the upcoming school/work week...

...and no, I will not say whether or not I was ever this much asleep in a class before. 😉

Practice Sketch 190428

For today's practice sketch, I wanted to capture what Sunday afternoons were like as a child. Sitting on my bed, flipping through comic books, with an open window providing a fresh breeze...yep, that was a sweet way to spend my Sunday afternoon.

Friday, April 19, 2019

Practice Sketch 190419

Nothing like a day off...warm temperatures...and 100% chance of rain 😞

Saturday, April 13, 2019

Practice Sketch 190413 2

Growing up, the drum set was the one "toy" in the house I wasn't allowed to touch.

Practice Sketch 190413

One lesson I learned in my adult life that I wished I had learned earlier - try not to procrastinate. Don't let work hang over your head.

Whenever I had a homework assignment or project in school, I'd put it off so I could hang out with my friends or play video games, all the while I'd be secretly stressing and worrying about the fact I had work to do and a deadline rapidly approaching. So basically I worried all the time about schoolwork.

Not the healthiest way to live. Probably one of the reasons my hair went gray so early in life. 😂

Saturday, April 6, 2019

Practice Sketch 190406

The weather was so nice today. Perfect tree climbing weather! On of my favorite things to do when I was little. I learned quickly to avoid the evergreens though. Too much sap! 😂

Practice Sketch 190406

Remembering how I used to spend my Saturdays when I was little.