Sunday, April 26, 2020

Practice Sketch 200426

When you are told to go outside to play yet have a short attention span. 😂

The inclusion of the path is a tribute to Jeff Keane's work on The Family Circle ❤

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Practice Sketch 200423

That moment you realize he's inside for a reason. 😷

Stay safe! 😁

Monday, April 20, 2020

Practice Sketch 200420

Late night of homework! 📓

Always a struggle when the teachers would each assign a decent amount of homework for the evening. 😓

Thinking of all the children attending school from home. ❤

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Practice Sketch 200419

A game of catch..."social distancing" style! 😂👍⚾️

There were times my parents forced me to go outside to play. When my friends weren't outside, there wasn't much to do but see how high you can toss a ball.

Bonus when the ball was one of those large bouncy balls you got out of the gumball machines. ⚾️

Friday, April 17, 2020

Practice Sketch 200417

Sometimes the best drawings are the ones that make absolutely no sense! 🙃😂

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Sunday, April 5, 2020

Practice Sketch 200405

In honor of Wrestlemania weekend, today's practice sketch is pro-wrestling themed.

I blame my friend who lived a couple houses down from me for getting me into watching pro-wrestling. His father was a big fan, so they watched all the shows (which back in the early 80's was on late night). When I stayed overnight, we'd stay up late to watch wrestling.