Yes, I drove my parents crazy! 🤪
Running around the house would drive them up the walls! 😅
Sometimes as a kid, it felt like it was a lot of work for just a few dollars, but when you think about it, SOME money was better than none at all! 😁💵
Look Ma! No net! 😅
Remember when the school playground had climbing structures WITHOUT anything soft underneath to land on if you slipped?😳👟
Don't get me wrong - there were times I worked hard at my desk... when I would go through a toy line's catalog, checking off all the action figures I owned. ✍️😉😆
I love drawing these two together! 😍
When the assigned seating arrangement in the classroom placed the cute girl's chair so close to mine, it was difficult to stay focused on the teacher! 🥰
Our parents definitely tried to get us to eat a variety of foods...even if they knew we weren't exactly crazy for them! 🤢
We each reacted to foods we didn't want to eat a bit differently. She was pretty vocal about it, and I'd just sit there and stare at my plate! 😅🍽
And in case you are wondering, she wasn't exactly fond of peas, and I wasn't a fan of tomatoes (because I didn't like how they looked). 😉🙃
A moment when vehicular safety went out the window...
When one of the cars broke down, our parents used our operable car to push the disabled one back to the house. 🚗🔧
We kids sat in the tailgate of the broken down car and held out an old tire for the operable car to push against. Definitely a sketchy moment for our safety, but we did manage to push the car home that way.
Needless to say, "do not try this at home". ✌️😉
No matter how bad of a day I had, when our parents surprised us with a Happy Meal on the way home, it had a knack of turning my day around! 😊
Maybe it was the smell of the French fries on the way home, or the toy that usually came just made the day so much better! 😋🍟