A great way to keep me quiet for an evening...give me a blank sheet of paper and a pencil, and let me get lost in my drawings! ๐✏️
Some things never change. ๐
A great way to keep me quiet for an evening...give me a blank sheet of paper and a pencil, and let me get lost in my drawings! ๐✏️
Some things never change. ๐
Chores...those jobs around the house we'd do to try and earn a little spending money.
With the weather beginning to warm up, one way to earn a little cash would be washing the salt off the family car. ๐ฆcar๐๐
Soccer practices begin!
Those earlier practices, I definitely had a hustle to my pace! It was still winter, after all, so the daytime highs were barely over the freezing mark! I ran myself ragged just to try and keep warm! ๐ฅถ⚽️
The inevitable has happened, and the football season has come to an end! Time to pack up the football...and dust off the soccer ball! ๐๐⚽️
Nothing like a nice quiet evening that you've set aside to relax and unwind...and maybe binge watch your favorite television show! ๐๐๐ฅ
Our parents couldn't keep an eye on us in the back seat, so they couldn't see when we tried to get other drivers to honk their horns as they passed by.
It was so exciting when a driver decided to tap their horn for us. For a child, it felt like a major accomplishment! ๐๐
A major disadvantage to a long commute for my father...
...when it snowed, his drive home could literally take HOURS! ๐ฎ๐จ๐❄️
When all you want to do is take your bike out for a ride in the neighborhood, but the weather isn't cooperating. ๐ฎ๐จ๐ฒ❄️
If you have a brother or sister, and you grew up in a region that traditionally gets snow in the winter, it's highly likely at some point they tried to dump a handful of snow down the back of your shirt! ๐ฅถ❄️๐